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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

Photo Gallery: Pastor's & Steward's Breakfast Photo Gallery: Pastor's & Steward's Breakfast

Photo Photo Photo
Pastor's & Steward's Breakfast
Jarnett D. - Cheryl W. - Billie B.
Viewed 1865 times
Christmas Train
Viewed 2057 times
Pastr Halbert
Viewed 1924 times
Chris W. and Arvell B.
Viewed 2002 times
Phyllis M. serving Mrs Halbert
Viewed 2210 times
Phyllis M.
Viewed 2045 times
Pastor Halbert
Viewed 1967 times
Breakfast is Served
Viewed 2041 times
Pastor Halbert
Viewed 2021 times
Pastor Tate
Progressive Baptist Church
Viewed 1955 times
Minister Miles and Family
Viewed 1928 times
Pastor & Mrs Tate with Pastor and Mrs Halbert
Viewed 1803 times