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St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois St James AME Church, Elgin, Illinois

Trustees Trustees

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  • Trustee Board Print
    Duties of Trustees:
    1. The trustees shall manage all temporal concerns of the church not otherwise provided for and shall have a treasurer elected by board.
    2. They shall guard for the Connection all real estate, churches, parsonages, schools, and any other property obtained by the local church.
    3. They shall make improvements upon the property or real estate when authorized to do so by a majority of the legal members of the church.
    4. They shall secure, by the purchase or hire, a house for the pastor’s family and also comfortably furnish it. In lieu of this arrangement, the pastor may be given a housing allowance.
    5. They shall pay the moving expenses of the pastor and family from their previous assignment.
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      Dr. W. E. Scott - Dec 9, 9:12am:
      Welcome to the new group: Trustees!
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