Posted on Sun, Jun 26, 2005
Guest Speaker, Dr. Wes Scott, Col, US Army, Retired
St. James AME Church, Elgin, hosted a special Memorial Day Service to honor the men and women who placed their lives on the line to defend freedom, on May 29, 2005. The services are part of a host of events held thorughout the City and nationally - including parades, official ceremonies and solemn visits � that have been prepared for the three-day weekend.The guest speaker, Col Wes Scott saluted US military personnel,past and present and honored those who died in the line of duty.
Traditionally, Memorial Day takes place on the last Monday of May, and commemorates the US servicemen and women who died in military service for their country.
Memorial Day began as a day to honor soldiers who died in the American Civil War, but has now become a day to celebrate those who died in all battles, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The theme for Col. Scott's Sermon was "Surprised by Joy" with emphasis on remembrance. (John 15:11)
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