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WMS Message RE: Conference Call - August 31st WMS Message RE: Conference Call - August 31st

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WMS Message RE: Conference Call - August 31st

Posted on Thu, Aug 31, 2017

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

General Secretary seal



Please find below a message from the Dr. Shirley Cason Reed, President, Internatinal Women's Missionary Society:



The International Women's Missionary Society of the AME Church join with CWS (Church World Service):

Dear Friends,

We are deeply concerned that President Trump could terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program this week. This move would turn our nation’s back on immigrant youth who are valued members of our communities. Terminating DACA would place the nearly 800,000 DREAMers whom the program allows to work and live legally in the United States at immediate risk of deportation.

Join us on Thursday, August 31st for a national call in day to tell our elected leaders to keep the DACA program intact!



Representatives: 1-888-496-3502


Senators: 1-888-410-0619


*Please call your 1 Representative and then your 2 Senators


Sample Script to Representative/Senators: “Hi, my name is X and I’m calling from City, State and my zip code is X. I am a person of faith. I’m deeply concerned about the reports that President Trump could end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) this week. I support the program and strongly oppose any attempt to terminate or alter it. I urge the Senator/Representative to do everything in his/her power to protect 800,000 DACA-recipients from deportation and support their right to work and study in this country. There are three things I’m hoping your office will do right now. Can the Senator/Representative (1) appeal directly to the President to keep this program in place, (2) issue a public statement of support for DACA recipients, and (3) support a clean passage of S.1615/H.R.3440, the Dream Act of 2017?”


ON THURSDAY: CALL PRESIDENT TRUMP: (202) 456-1111 (please leave a message)

Sample Script for President Trump: “I’m from [City, State]. I am a person of faith and I support the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and strongly oppose any attempt to terminate it or phase it out. DACA has provided nearly 800,000 young people the opportunity to pursue their dreams. I urge you to defend the DACA program well beyond September 5, protect DACA recipients from deportation and detention, and work with Congress toward a permanent solution.”


Please also tweet @realDonaldTrump and your Senators/Representatives: “.@[HANDLE], protect DACA! My community stands with immigrant youth! #DefendDACA #HeretoStay #Faith4DACA”

Both President Trump and Members of Congress must hear that communities of faith demand DACA remain in place until the Dream Act passes, and that there be be no gap between DACA ending and Dream passing! Also, DACA recipients should not be used a political bargaining chip to increase a deportation force and tear apart families and communities.


You can also join our social media day of action TODAY (Wednesday, August 30) and TOMORROW (Thursday, August 31)!



Sample Social Media for Wednesday, August 30:


• We are called to #LoveThyNeighbor + welcome the stranger. @realDonaldTrump Dreamers deserve our protection #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• Dreamers are: students, teachers, doctors, small-business professionals & integral to our communities & economies #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• .@realDonaldTrump Ending DACA= loss of $460.3 B from GDP over 10 years + removal of 685,000 workers from economy. #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• 8 in 10 voters—including 3/4ths of @realDonaldTrump voters—support DREAMers remaining in US  #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• .@realDonaldTrump Young immigrants who have long called America their home shouldn't be stripped of legal status #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


Sample Social Media for Thursday, August 31:


• .@realDonaldTrump Faith communities continue to fight to #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• People of faith call on @realDonaldTrump to #defendDACA + the 800,000 immigrant youth it protects #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• Today is the day to take action. Make a call to stand with immigrant community and to #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• If @realDonaldTrump rescinds DACA 800,000 youth will be back at risk of deportation! We will not stand idly by! #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• 800,000 immigrant youth could lose their jobs and stability for their families if @realDonaldTrump eliminates #DACA #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• Over 5 yrs DACA has provided work permits to undocumented youth +invigorated our communities #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• With DACA, immigrant youth have been able to purchase homes and support their children. We have to #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• .@realDonaldTrump make it clear that DACA will stay in place and immigrant youth are not under threat #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA


• My faith community stands with DACAmented immigrant neighbors & call on Congress + @realDonaldTrump to #defendDACA #Faith4DACA


• Faith communities urge @realDonaldTrump to #DefendDACA and protect 800,000 immigrant youth #Faith4DACA


• Ave hourly wages rose by 69% after DACA=more tax revenue for cities, states, & U.S. #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA @realDonaldTrump


• 16% of DACA recipients bought houses, 5% started businesses  #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA @realDonaldTrump


• At least 72% of the top 25 Fortune 500 companies employ DACA beneficiaries  #DefendDACA #Faith4DACA @realDonaldTrump


For more information on how you can help defend DACA, click here link: to check out “5 Ways to Defend DACA & TPS.” Also click here for a faith toolkit:


Thank you for your work, and please share this email with your networks!


In solidarity,


Meredith Owen


Policy Counsel


Immigration and Refugee Program


Church World Service


Supporting our advocacy work is more important than ever. Go to  to donate.


Shirley Cason Reed,


International WMS President




Jeffery Cooper

General Secretary/CIO

African Methodist Episcopal Church


P.O. Box 331028 - 500 8th Avenue South - Nashville, TN 37203 

Office:  615-254-0911 - Fax:  615-254-0912 - [email protected] 
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